The Essentials
Use these images on social media
Show your support for #CampbellGivingDay by using and uploading these profile pictures and cover images to your social media profiles.
Download our 2024 Social Media Toolkit Below
Profile Pics
Cover Photos
Share on Your Story
Show your support for #CampbellGivingDay by downloading an image to share on your Facebook and Instagram Stories.
Why do you give to Campbell?

Download this sign and why you give to Campbell. Then, snap a photo with your sign and share on social media using #CampbellGivingDay.
- I give to Campbell because Campbell has given so much to me.
- I give to Campbell because I want to invest in future leaders.
Spread the Word
Sample social media posts
Copy and paste these suggested posts on social media and help spread the word about #CampbellGivingDay!
- The wait is over…#CampbellGivingDay is finally here! Don’t miss your chance to make a difference for @campbelledu students. Join me and make a gift to support the school we love. Go orange. Give back. Go Camels!
- Go orange and give back today on #CampbellGivingDay. Go to to join me in making a gift today. Go Camels!
- Today on #CampbellGivingDay, I gave to [your fund of choice] because [why you give]. Will you join me? Go orange. Give back. Go Camels!
On #CampbellGivingDay, the goal is for 2,500 donors to go orange and give back to @campbelledu in one day. I gave because I want to ensure that incredible opportunities are available for current and future Campbell students. Will you join me?
Update your email signature
Instructions for Outlook users:
- Download and save the Campbell Giving Day logo image
- Open your Outlook desktop app, go to “File,” then click “Options” on the side panel
- Select “Mail” and find click “Signatures”
- Add a paragraph return below the last line of your signature, then click the insert image icon to insert the saved logo.
- You can also add the URL to your signature. To link the image to the day URL, after inserting the image, click to select the image, then click the insert URL icon.